Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Someone needs to clean up Blogger

Okay, I know it's a public service, but if you want to create a nice little blog, it's extremely easy to use blogger to do so. You can use their lovely little AJAX driven editor and bam, you have a pretty little blog. The problem lies in the host name choice option. It seems that everyone has already occupied every possible simple that could have ever existed. This in itself wouldn't be such a bad thing if these people had actually created more than one, one line post reading; "I'm just seeing if this works".

Okay, A) obviously it's going to work you moron, otherwise they wouldn't have set up this site and B) Now that you know it works shut down your god damn blog because you're wasting the url for others who may actually want it.

I think Google needs a simple app to go through and send a quick email to those people who have those single post blogs of less than 100 characters and say; "You've got 90 days to use your blog again or we're shutting it down. You're wasting the Internet. Go die somewhere."

Hmm, maybe that's an application I should write instead of them. Use a little class and a little less scare tactic.

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